A message from Principal Morga
Dear Jefferson Families,
Thank you for entrusting your children to our dedicated staff and teachers. We can now officially offer them the world -- as a sanctioned International Baccalaureate World School
This prestigious honor means our students have access to a proven and successful curriculum that will put them on the firmest foundation possible to move forward in a global society. There is so much great stuff coming their way in the coming school year. We have spent years preparing for the IB program and transition, so students of all ages and levels have already been immersed in the IB standards.
As we continue on our International Baccalaureate (IB) journey, I am proud to say that this past month our students truly displayed and lived by the IB attitude of creativity and became thinkers.
An example of how thie IB program works for primary grades, for one month we focused about learning about and living by the attitude of confidence:
"I know I can try and do most things."
"With this IB attitude I become a risk taker."
"I have confidence to try new things."
"I stand up for the things I believe in."
What a powerful message to convey to students, and to show them how to connect the dots in their own lives to make these slogans a reality. To try a new food in the cafeteria, to climb to a higher bar on the playground jungle gym, to grab a book from the library with a higher reading level. We reinforce these messages by looking for students practicing these attitudes, and rewarding them for their efforts.
Also, continuing the strong Jefferson tradition of valuing family participation and continuous parent involvement, I am very pleased to see the ongoing family involvement at the school. Thank you for being an integral part of your child's educational life by keeping informed of student progress and being a part of: weekly Monday Morning message, our monthly Awards Assembly and Family Friday/ Parent Coffee with the Principal.
These are all great ways to be a part of your child's education. Students and staff truly appreciate parent participation at the school and in their class. So, thank you for making the time to be a part of the Jefferson school experience. Together we will continue making Jefferson the best!
Francisco Morga